Life’s injustices

One of the biggest injustices in this world, in my opinion, is the fact that having a chronic incurable illness does not render you exempt from other illnesses. Ok, so it might not be the absolute biggest injustice, but just like Ed in the photo having to wear his collar so he can’t lick his latest war wound, it is pretty crap.

So what has brought on this line of thought now? Well I had a minor sniffle and cough last week. No I didn’t have the female version of “man flu” and wasn’t being over dramatic. The plain facts are that even a minor bug can trigger or exacerbate usual MS symptoms and make you feel pretty rubbish or even mimic a relapse. In my case last week my “cold” (it wasn’t even bad enough to warrant that word to be honest) meant that I was even more drained than usual, was struggling to sleep (thank you tickly cough) and as a result had less energy to do the things I need to do – like look after myself! πŸ™‚

In MS the immune system behaves oddly and seems to attack itself and the body too much to have time to work on bugs and illnesses. My experience last week was just a tiny example of how extra ailments can play havoc with our lives. Factor in on top of all this the fact that most MS treatments dampen down the immune system and the misery of constant bugs seems inevitable.

But what happens when it’s not a minor bug? I had a vomiting bug, still only minor, but it caused such a big flare that I ended up on the bathroom floor unable to move and with no strength in my legs. These episodes are really scary and make you worry about the future and what could be.

Even still that is not as bad as it gets. I have known people with multiple chronic illnesses and this is where I think life is going too far. Some unfortunate combinations I have seen people coping with:
– Fibromyalgia and ME
– Diabetes and MS
– Cancer and MS

So I’m really not complaining about my 24 hour vomiting bug or my sniffle. That is small fry in the context of what could be. You just never know what someone else is going through so lets give each other some slack… are you listening life?? Enough already!

3 thoughts on “Life’s injustices”

    1. We’re doing ok just the usual merry-go-round of bumps and scrapes that everyone with MS must endure. Thanks for your well wishes though, wish I had a garden like yours to relax in 😁

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